Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bad Days Are No Excuse for Not Learning

Here's some WIPs up to the final figure. I had a lot of issues with this figure: the light was cool, the backdrop was warm, and I was seeing brown the whole time. I learned a lot in those two hours though.

I blocked in the figure really quickly. Unfortunately, I failed to "look" at the model correctly, so most of the painting remained crude for most of the session until some of my peers gave me direction. It's amazing how a fresh pair of eyes can help clear the fog from your work.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Old and New, Portraits and Figures

Here's some figures I've done over the past three months. I realize I'm still learning, but I have to say, I don't like most of these.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Figure Paintings And Illustrations

Hello, my name's David Han, and I've just started my blog, Havid Dan. I am the most original blogger on the planet. The first few posts are going to be a little unorganized. They're simply there to give you guys a sample of what I've been up to.

The pieces in this post were done anywhere from 1-3 months ago.