Saturday, March 17, 2012

Best Of and More Figures

One of my pieces, "Warm Winter", managed to get into the Best of Ringling show. I touched the painting up a tad bit, so here's an update for what it's worth.

I'm simply glad that I made it into the show. I think the fact that I get to share space with people that I respect and admire at my school is greater than only me getting into the show. This year's been a very humbling and learning experience and I hope you guys continue witnessing my progress as well.

Changing subjects...

I was lucky enough to have painted a very great model twice. Each painting took three hours to complete and the second pose was set up in low light. I absolutely loved painting these and I learned a lot through them. I hoped to be able to render out the paintings in later sessions, but I simply didn't have the time. Anyways, I plan to analyze my paintings and reveal what I learned in later posts, so stay tuned ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy!

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